Fun fractions

We had some cooking fun during maths groups yesterday. Each group got to make pikelets at the teacher table and we talked about measurement, fractions and sharing. Mrs Hannah was really happy with our cooperative skills and she thought we were all really good cooks.

We all got a job to do and learnt to follow a recipe. During the cooking, Mrs Hannah went a bit silly and flipped the pikelets around so some people had to catch them with their plates! She certainly wasn’t a Masterchef!

We cut our pikelets into halves and quarters and then we were allowed to eat them. Some people topped theirs with honey and some people topped theirs with jam. Some even topped them with both!

Everyone got a copy of the recipe to take home so they could try being the Masterchef for their family.


Smartie Maths!

We have been learning about multiplication and division in 2H this week. Mrs Hannah thought it would be fun to learn about division using Smarties. We all got twenty Smarties and had to show how we could share them between groups of 2, 4, 5, 10 and 3. We realised it was all fairly shared, except for dividing by 3.

We spoke to Mrs Hannah about ways this could be made fair. We thought about taking some Smarties away, adding some more Smarties or maybe cutting some Smarties with a knife.


The best part of the lesson was eating our Smarties when we’d finished working with them. Yum!
